Admission Helpline No : 1800-833-7955 /1800-833-6744 (Toll Free )
Santiniketan paramedical College
Admission Helpline No : 1800-833-7955 /1800-833-6744 (Toll Free )
Acquiring global excellence and thereby increasing employability in a milieu of congeniality, openness andinclusiveness, embedding community welfareand involvement in its operation
Trust , name, nature, objective and scope of academic domain with clause:
SWADHIN (Society for Welfare and Development of Human Initiatives -A Duly Registered Trust for Charitable Purpose)
At Swadhin we also deliver premium healthcare, consultation and detection services across the country through state-of-the-art technology manned by trained and dedicated frontline health workers, Nursing Home &Clinics. We also ensure follow -up care. Swadhin focuses on addressing the primary healthcare needs across all settings – rural, semi-urban and urban areas